Quick Reference Guide

Welcome to our quick reference guide for customizing your website!
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Have a different look in mind for your shop? Aside from changing fonts, you can change your color schemes too! Create your own design system with global colors and text styles that can easily be assigned to different elements across your site. If you would like to do this, follow the same path (for font changes) below…

From any page on your site, click Edit with Elementor >> select the Hamburger menu on the upper-left corner of the panel  >> navigate to Site Settings >> select Global Colors.  

Global Colors
There are 4 predefined global colors (Primary, Secondary, Text, and Accent). You can edit these predefined colors to create your own color scheme.

Edit a Color
Click the color swatch and select a new color to change an existing color on your template. The names can also be changed. Click the color’s name to change the name (Ex. change Primary to Main, Accent to Highlight, and so on…).

Add a Color
In addition to these 4 predefined global colors, you can add your own colors and use them on any Elementor element on your site. Just click on the Add color button to add a new global color.

Delete a Color
Hover over the color swatch and click the trash can icon that appears.

Once you have completed any of these actions, don’t forget to hit the UPDATE tab (blue button at the bottom-right area of the panel) to save all your changes.


If you need help while setting up shop or want us to do it for you, just send us a message.