Quick Reference Guide

Welcome to our quick reference guide for customizing your website!
Dive in and start transforming your website today!


The first step to customizing your shop will be to “brand” it with your logo, and putting in some descriptions to establish your site’s identity on the internet. To do this, please follow the path below…

At your WordPress Dashboard, select Appearance >> Customize

You will then see the screen below. From here, just click on Site Identity, then start uploading…

Uploading your Logo
So your Logo blends in nicely with your template, we recommend using the PNG file version of your business logo.

Select Change logo >> Select from the Media Library OR Upload your logo directly from your laptop >> Select (bottom right tab)>> Logo Uploaded!

Site Title
This is the name of your business, in words.

Type in your business’s tagline here.

Site Icon
This is the small icon everyone sees at the browser tab as they go through your shop. All sites have this so we highly recommend you upload one as well for your shop! Just click on the Select site icon tab and go through the same process for your Logo. We recommend using PNG files for this as well for perfect blending with your selected template.


If you need help while setting up shop or want us to do it for you, just send us a message.